• Hikman Sirait Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Bethel The Way Jakarta
  • Romika Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Bethel The Way Jakarta
Keywords: Crisis, Economy, Global, Bible, Poor Countries, Rich Countries


This purpose research be explore social reality based on actual problems. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method that is supported by historical methods. The results showed that the economic crisis during the Old Testament and the New Testament which was triggered by moral damage cannot be separated from the social structure of society at that time. The exploitation of the poor has become a common sight in the Ancient Near East including among the Hebrews. Rich people can't afford to buy other people's money. It was very apparent in the economic crisis, the chosen group took advantage of fellow Hebrew brothers. While the Law of Exodus and Holiness took loans given to the poor Hebrews asking for interest (Ex. 22:25; Lev. 25:37) and the rich Hebrews supported the lives of their poor fellow countrymen (Leviticus 25:35 -36 ). These two laws are guidelines for God's people who must be opposed and behave, that is, helping and arguing with one another (Matt. 18: 23-35; 1 John 4:11). The conclusion of the global economic crisis occurred because people of this age began to use a pattern that was used in the days of the Old Testament and the New Testament, namely the greedy nature that is more moral to build humans in developed countries. Morality is no longer a benchmark in carrying out economic activities, but is materialistic or obtaining wealth, and earns the maximum profit without considering the interests and needs of developing countries and poor countries.

How to Cite
Sirait, Hikman, and Romika. “TINJAUAN ALKITABIAH ATAS KRISIS EKONOMI GLOBAL”. The Way: Jurnal Teologi dan Kependidikan 6, no. 1 (April 30, 2020): 18-34. Accessed September 11, 2024. https://journal.sttbetheltheway.ac.id/index.php/teologi-dan-kependidikan/article/view/12.