• Rudy Budiatmaja Rudy
  • Andreas Eko Nugroho Dosen Magister Teologi - STTB The Way
Keywords: The Sin of Man, Covenant Concept, Bible, Church.


The writing of the current article provides an understanding of the concept of sin in the Old and New Testaments by discussing the relationship between sin and the attachment to the occurrence of covenants. Descriptive methods and content analysis explain the description of human sinfulness contained in the Old and New Testaments for the binding of God's promises in their present-day implications to obtain an analysis of library research. Research conducted at this time provides the results of sinfulness recorded in the Old Testament with a clear description of God's attributes which are considered as God's justice. Next is the description of the covenant (covenant) on God's attributes which represents God's love. Man's sin with all its consequences in the Old Testament does not show God's wrath which is principled in a loving God, but is a picture of God's justice and sovereignty over His laws. Likewise, the attachment to God's promise of the greatness of God's love so that the first initiative comes from God as a reminder of Himself to all His human creations that the covenant will be bound. Finally, this research article concludes that there is a very strong and close relationship with human sinfulness in the Old and New Testaments with respect to God's covenant attachment to all of His human creations so that all humans know how great God's love is and how dangerous the impact of sin on human life was even today.


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How to Cite
Budiatmaja, Rudy, and Andreas Eko Nugroho. “KEBERDOSAAN MANUSIA DALAM KONSEP COVENANT MENURUT ALKITAB SERTA IMPLIKASINYA BAGI GEREJA ”. The Way: Jurnal Teologi dan Kependidikan 8, no. 2 (October 31, 2022): 153-165. Accessed September 11, 2024.